The Dark Side of the Sun
"Aton is, as we have demonstrated, Jehovah. And Jehovah is the Phoenician-Persian Yawnah, the Welsh Jawnah, the English Jon, meaning "sun." Aton is Adni or Agni, the Sun-Lord of the Hindus. He is Don of the ancient Celts and Phoenicians. The latter had founded the cities of Thebes and Avaris in Egypt. The Druids at these cities, and at other locations, brought the world the Solar Theocracy, one which was corrupted later into Atonism and into Judeo-Christianity. Akhenaton not only brought political havoc to his country, he brought theological havoc to the world of religious ideas also. He and his coterie, the "Brotherhood of the Snake" (Bramley), did not worship light in the manner of the Druids. Their understanding of the sun and of light was not akin to that which we possess today. Judeo-Christianity is the child of Atonism, and is also controlled by those elites, involved in the worship of the dark side of the sun. Another word for this kind of worship, that a true Christian might use, is Luciferianism. Lucifer is a god of light, or rather, of the dark side of light. The secret fraternities, which preserve the most antique doctrines of the Chaldeans, Druids and Medes, are also responsible for turning the gnosis of light into a travesty, in order to deceive the human race and cause metaphysical incongruence. If one was to say that Aton was Lucifer, they would not be too wrong. If one was to say that Jehovah was Lucifer, the Martian god of light and war, they would also be correct"
Michael Tsarion

The Symbol of the Black Sun
The term Black Sun is of esoteric or occult significance. It has been used by a variety of esotericists; for example, as the name of the well-known Black Sun Press of Mary Phelps Jacob, as well as in the in lyrics of the experimental music groups Coil, Death In June and as the title of a song by Dead Can Dance.
It also figures prominently as a symbol in Nazi mysticism. The shape of the symbol as used in Neo-Nazism is based on the design of a floor mosaic at Wewelsburg castle, in the room used by the SS for occult meetings. Due to the sunwheel motif and that the symbol can be deconstructed into three swastikas; a 'rising', a 'zenith' & a 'setting' one, the design is popular among German Neo-Nazis as a replacement for the outlawed singular swastika symbol. It is also used by various apolitical organizations for aesthetic and cultural purposes.
It is not known whether or not this symbol was placed in the floor at Wewelsburg before or after the National Socialist Regime and the taking over of the castle by Himmler.
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