Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fish King

Aug 30 1948

This one is really interesting. The Fish King could be the royal bloodlines themselves which some believe are descendent from Sirius. Here is a link to a Freeman Perspective episode discussing the Nephilim, Columbia(Isis) and fishpoeple connection.
Oannes from Manly P Halls' "Secret Teaching"

We could also see this as a astrological pictorial representation of the processional move of the equinox from Pisces into the age of Aquarius. The fish is Pisces and the golden canal could be the water of Aquarius. The golden water also symbolizes the sun. So we have Pisces now the king drinking from the waters of Aquarius, nice...


aferrismoon said...

If we imagine that the Trojans interpreted the Greek ships full of provisions coming into their bay as enormous horses, based on the previous attackers coming by foot , each with a horse and to carry him and his provisions may we not posit the idea that fish-people as ocean-going sailors arriving in lands with no ocean-going technology. They would have known the stars, mathematics, geometry and using these perforn 'incredible; acts of engineering etc.
The Egyptian religion abounds with ships, barks and mariners. This I use to allude to a possible Polynesian start of a reinvigorated human evolution centred around the amazing knowledge one must amass to build and steer a ship. The idea of Noah and the Ark. The Polynesians can , apparently, remember their family trees for many generations back. They count 2 by 2 , in binary.

aferrismoon said...

Also I note that DLY [d'ly] in Hebrew = Aquarius and Dalai [ Lama] means ' ocean'. the Himalayas contain the source for most of the rivers in India, SE Asia and China.

Waesar said...

or we can look at it reflecting on the fish-suits/ cloak of the illuminati and the stargate travellers that 'wear' this garb usually occurring as illumined royalty, and here he is easin on down the yellow brick road...

Dr.Alistair said...

and the pope wears a fish hat.